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About Jeni.

Jennifer is a seasoned Aesthetician with over two decades of experience in the industry. She worked directly under Anastasia Soare, who pioneered brow shaping according to the golden ratio. She also had the privilege of working at the top brow bar in NYC with Malynda Vigliandi, who is known as the Brow Queen. Jennifer continue to receive mentorship from Malynda to hone her craft and keep up with the latest trends and techniques.

As Lead Aesthetician at Mohonk Mountain House, Jennifer specialized in creating holistic skincare treatments that promote overall wellness. She incorporated Gua Sha, Lymphatic Drainage and LED light therapy into treatments to target various skin concerns. She strongly believes that healthy, radiant skin goes beyond just surface-level treatments. It requires a holistic approach to skincare that takes into consideration a person's overall wellbeing.

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